On Saturday, March 16 members and their significant others gathered for our annual banquet where we take an evening out to celebrate our volunteers and accomplishments for the previous year. This year it was held at the Country Fare Restaurant in Myerstown. And as it has happened numerous times in the past, the start of the banquet was delayed due to an emergency call for a vehicle accident with injuries in Womelsdorf.
Everyone was treated to an excellent meal, followed by a year-end video created by our photographer David Kurtz. showing highlights from 2023.
The company finished with 345 runs in 2023, 3rd highest in our history, and 21 working fires. The top 10 responders were recognized: Assistant Chief Merle Hurst (225), Lieutenant Lamar Hurst (211), Chief Engineer Dale Hurst (206), Firefighter Doug Sigman (144), Firefighter Mike McKeone (129), Captain Justin Kocher (127), Deputy Chief Ryan Zerbe (121), Fire Police Captain Dayland Berkihiser (113), Assistant Chief Kyle Zerbe (109), and Firefighter Mark Huber (101).
Several awards are given annually. The Member of the Year award is voted amongst all the members and this year it went to Firefighter Doug Sigman. The Officers Award was given to Photographer David Kurtz in recognition for the services and time he donates to not only our fire company but to neighboring companies as well. Special recognition was given to Fire Chief Robert Martin in honor of his 20 years of service as Fire Chief.
As a token of appreciation, all members were given a new fire company jacket, embroidered by RockHound Apparel from Robesonia.
Thanks to everyone who made the event a success. |